
The Wasatch CAPS program boasts several highly talented instructors who have diverse backgrounds in industry and education. As CAPS instructors, their focus is to provide hands-on learning for the students through a balance of applied skills and academic mentoring. Each instructor works with local industry mentors who also provide guidance to CAPS students.

Weston Broadbent

Weston Broadbent

Wasatch CAPS Director

Weston Broadbent started in education in 2012. He is excited to be part of CAPS and is passionate about the experience students have by getting involved. He has taught at both the middle school and high school level, typically business related courses.

Prior to education, he spent a considerable amount of time doing marketing, commercial real estate development, and running a business. He received a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management / Marketing from Brigham Young University, a Master’s of Education Degree from Utah State University, and an Administrative License in Education from Southern Utah University. In his free time, Weston enjoys spending time with his family and they love to go camping and on road trips together.

Jordanne Davidson

Jordanne Davidson

Instructor of Medicine and Health

Jordanne Davidson has a bachelors degree in Biology Education and a Masters of Science in Learning Experience Design and Educational Technology. She has taught at Wasatch High School since 2016. She has taught Biology and currently teaches Introduction to Health Sciences, Medical Terminology (UVU Concurrent), Medical Anatomy and Physiology, Exercise Science/Sports Medicine, and CAPS Health and Medicine. She and her husband have three active boys. She enjoys hiking, camping, hunting, reading, playing the piano, traveling to new places, and sewing. 

Luke Searle

Luke Searle

Instructor of Business, Marketing, and Entrepreneurship

Luke Searle began his teaching career at Wasatch CAPS. He currently teaches Digital Marketing and Business Office Professional and serves as an advisor for Wasatch FBLA. He focuses on helping students develop real-world skills through hands-on projects with local businesses and industry professionals. He is passionate about empowering students to pursue their passions as young professionals.
In addition to teaching, Luke has served on the Wasatch County Council since 2022. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from Utah Valley University. Outside of work, he enjoys spending time with his family. He and his wife love raising their two children in Heber Valley where Luke grew up.
Jared Neal

Jared Neal

Instructor of Digital Design and Software Development

Jared has been at Wasatch High School since 2015, and teaching since 2008. This year he is teaching Drawing, Drawing 1020 CE, Jewelry, and CAPS. Jared grew up in Ohio and came to the West for school and fell in love with it. He recieved a BFA from BYU, and a Masters in Education from Ohio State University. Jared lives in Midway with my wife and three kids. 
Jared believes every student can be successful, and that you can learn many skills through art that transfer to all aspects of life; such as creativity, expression, critical thinking, and problem solving. 
Gary Roberts

Gary Roberts

Instructor of Engineering and Industrial Design

Gary Roberts is in his nineteenth year of teaching at Wasatch High School. He worked as a brick mason before entering education as a teacher where he enjoys coming to work every day. After earning his AAS degree in Drafting Technology at Utah Valley State College he continued his education at BYU earning both a Bachelors and Masters Degree in Technology Education. He currently teaches Technical Design 1 and 2, Architectural Design, Pre-Engineering, Robotics and ADV Computer Design.
Four of those classes can be taken for college credit at Utah Valley University. Mr. Roberts has been involved with multiple curriculum development teams for the state including the new TICE (Technology Intensive Concurrent Enrollment) courses.

Mr. Roberts has been married for 25 years and has three wonderful daughters. The main family activity is going to Irish Step Dancing competitions where they (the girls) have competed in eight different states. He also enjoys playing racquetball in his spare time and has competed at the Utah Summer Games.

Matthew Zierenberg

Matthew Zierenberg

Instructor of Environmental Agriculture

Matthew Zierenberg has a vast experience in education. He began by getting a Bachelor’s Degree from Brigham Young University in Recreation Management. After graduating he worked out in the Midwest helping run a Wilderness Therapy Program. He then received a Master’s Degree in Education from Northern Arizona University and worked with Native American Tribes across North America helping them create and implement curriculum in the natural sciences.

As a teacher at Wasatch High School he has been involved in teaching Biology, Aquaculture, Natural Resource Science, and several different Agriculture classes. He is also involved in the Archery Club, Fly Fishing Club, and Future Farmers of America.

Matthew enjoys being outside and being hands on. He loves being with his family and has 5 beautiful children. They enjoy backpacking together, hunting, fishing, and an assortment of other outdoor activities.


The Wasatch CAPS program is based on the first floor of the Utah Valley University (UVU) Wasatch Campus in Heber City, Utah. The address for the campus is 3111 College Way, Heber City, UT 84032.

Contact Us

For inquiries regarding the Wasatch CAPS program, please contact the CAPS Director, at

Wasatch CAPS